Dear Poets, Have you ever wondered what your poem would look like as a film? My name is Neely Goniodsky, and I am an independent animator based in Seattle, WA. I invite you to submit your poetry to my Animated Poetry Contest! By mid November, I will be selecting one poem and turning it into an animated film -- with professional voice-over narration and an original musical score. What am I looking for?
Long or short, tragic or comic, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s good. Brilliant? Even better. Why participate? An animated version of your poem will make your work more publicly accessible, AND you will also get worldwide distribution to film festivals. Details: The author of the selected poem will receive a copy of the finished film, which can be used as a promotional video. The film will be distributed to International Animation Film Festivals around the world. In case of cash prizes, the poet will receive 15% of all monetary festival awards.
Please send your poems to animatedpoetrycontest@gmail.com Deadline for submissions: November 14th, 2014 Winner Announced: December 26th Production completed: March 27th, 2015 One brand new animated poem is ready to meet the world!
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1. Who gets to keep the copyrights? The poet keeps full copyrights of the poem. It will look like this in the credits: “Poem Name” written by Your Name © Year . I retain the rights to distribute the film and hold copyrights to the film. 2. Will the poet be involved in the process? This is a collaboration. There will be an ongoing communication with the poet if the circumstances permit. However, as a director, I will have the final say :) 3. Who is getting paid for this project? No one. This is an experimental collaboration, benefiting both the experimental animator (me) and the poet. I am also trying to get minimal expenses covered by my Indiegogo campaign. 4. How much would such animated short cost if it were commissioned? If this were a commissioned project, my fee would be between 5K to 15K depending on the amount of work involved.